Waiver Case Management

Waiver case managers provide case management services for individuals in any number of the following areas: health, medical, social, housing, employment, and education. The case management services includes the management of waiver money allocations and the reporting of services to the County as appropriate. Our case managers work directly with the individual and members of their team to create a person-centered plan while encouraging independence.
Services offered:
- Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver: Home and community-based services necessary as an alternative to institutionalization that promote the optimal health, independence, safety and integration of a person who would otherwise require the level of care provided in a nursing facility.
- Brain Injury (BI) Waiver: Home and community-based services necessary as an alternative to institutionalization that promote the optimal health, independence, safety and integration of a person and who would otherwise require the level of care provided in a specialized nursing facility or neurobehavioral hospital.
- Elderly Waiver (EW) program funds home- and community-based services for people age 65 and older who are eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) and require the level of care provided in a nursing home but choose to reside in the community. The Minnesota Department of Human Services operates the EW program under a federal waiver to Minnesota’s Medicaid State Plan. Counties, tribal entities and health plan partners administer the program.
- Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver: Home and community-based services necessary as an alternative to institutionalization that promote the optimal health, independence, safety and integration of a person who is chronically ill or medically fragile and who would otherwise require the level of care provided in a hospital.
- Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver: Home and community based services necessary as an alternative to institutionalization that promote the optimal health, independence, safety and integration of a person who meets the waiver eligibility criteria and who would require the level of care provided in an Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities.
- The Alternative Care (AC) program provides home-and community-based services to people who need nursing home level of care but choose to live in the community. The Alternative Care program provides many of the same services as the Elderly Waiver program. Alternative Care is for people with low income and assets who are not eligible for Medical Assistance.
- The Essential Community Supports (ECS) program provides specific services for persons age 65 and older who do not meet new nursing facility level of care criteria, are not eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) and meet alternative care (AC) financial eligibility criteria.
- Relocation Service Coordination (RSC) are activities coordinated and designed to help a person who resides in an eligible institution (hospitals, nursing facilities, Regional treatment centers) to gain access to needed medical, social, educational, financial, housing and other services and supports that are necessary to move from an eligible institution to the community.