Welcome To
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Over 15 Years of Providing culturally safe services to over 15,000 individuals and their families in Minnesota.

Experience You Can Trust

Our array of services are culturally and linguistically sensitive and provided by welcoming and qualified staff members. We practice trauma-informed care and aim to help all clients reach mental wellness while being respectful of individual goals and beliefs.
Our Founder and Executive Director is a licensed social worker who’s profession is rooted in a set of core values embraced by social workers throughout the profession’s history. Core values including:
- Service
- Social Justice
- Dignity and worth of the person
- Importance of human relationships
- Integrity
- Competence.
Our primary focus is to enhance well-being (e.g. mind, body, soul) and service delivery to help meet the basic needs of all people.
We recognize individual’s complex and intersecting identities, such as race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, and how their experience affects their response to the world.
- We respect and celebrate each person’s unique strengths by cultivating a positive workplace where everyone feels welcome.
- We have the language capacity to communicate easily with the person served and we understand that their cultural needs, health/mental health needs, and other culturally specific concerns, allowing us to deliver exceptional care and services.
- We are known for our flexibility and innovative approach to bring together housing, services and income supports in order to enable people to live as independently as possible in the community of their choice.

intern testimonial
-Metropolitan State University Student


-Community Partner