About us

Our multicultural and leadership team include members of the BIPOC, immigrants and refugee communities. We’re a specialty behavioral health provider in Minnesota that provides personalized services to people impacted by mental health, addictions, and co-occurring disorders.

Our Mission

To transform health and wellness practices for individuals, families, and communities through services that are rooted in inclusion and collaboration.  We see health and wellness at the core of a person’s wellness.  Our work is influenced by those with lived experience and we create an inclusive space for everyone and their unique self-identity. 

our values

PEOPLE FIRST.  We are committed to helping people succeed. 

We believe that people have  special strengths, interests, aspirations, and abilities.  The development of which is the key to live better lives.                                                        

Our philosophy

Handy Help LLC’s service philosophy seeks to help people live better lives and not just create better plans.  


Founder & executive leadership

Founder, Executive Director

Phia xiong

Chief Financial Officer

Jeff D Spencer




Mike Burrows
Senior Manager
Panou xiong
home & community-based Designated manager
Nathan Dahl
waiver supervisor
Janice jones
Case manager team lead
tim harer
case manager team lead